I hate eggs

My boyfriend didn’t make me eat eggs this morning. He didn’t say I was stupid or to stop being a bitch. He just said, “Ok baby. Do you want toast?”

That is not what my PTSD says he will do when I see eggs out.( It’s crazy that I have PTSD over eggs.) I can’t stand to see a runny yolk or one fried without having feelings and fears come flooding back to me.

My son’s father used to cook for me all the time. He said I couldn’t cook to save my life. Most meals he made were whatever I had in the fridge turned into a hash of some kind and covered in BBQ sauce. So, to say he cooked is a bit of a stretch.

Shortly after I found out that I was pregnant, he decided that I needed to eat more eggs. It would be better for me and the baby. I told him that I like my eggs fried hard with no runny yolk. (This detail is important) So that was the beginning of egg sandwiches every night.

At first, it was just an English muffin with a fried hard egg and cheese. It was cheap, it wasn’t bad for me and it made me think of my dad. Plus, it got him off my back about food. So I didn’t mind.

But then he started making them runny. At first, it was just once in a while. Then it was all of them. I’d gag and and he’d threaten me if I threw up he’d made me eat everything I threw up. 1 sandwich became 2, sometimes 3. I wasn’t allowed to eat anything else. He said they were better for the baby that way, and he’d force me to eat it.

I lost 30lbs in the first 3 months of being pregnant. He controlled everything. What I ate, what I drank, what I wore, who I talked to, if i went to work. And it all began with runny eggs.

But this morning I sat at my table with my son and my boyfriend. I had my toast and sausage links and thought about the difference 5 years has made. I’m loved, safe, I have a beautiful family and a beautiful home. But even after all that time, I still hate eggs.

I think I need therapy….

I think I need therapy… That is incredibly hard to say. You see, I’m a failed therapy kid. I have seen soooo many therapists over the years. Crazy started with me young. The first time I saw a therapist I was 5. I turned 32 yesterday. I’ve been seeing a therapist for the majority of my life. Most of that time was not telling them all the details that I was thinking or all of what is going on. In fear they might think I’m crazy and put me on a 72hr hold. To be honest there has been a time or two I should have been on a 72 hr hold. I was there a few weeks ago.

I had went off my antidepressant cold turkey unintentionally. I felt like i was coming apart from the inside out. I was sitting in my car crying on the phone to my mom. Telling her that my sister would be a better mother to my son than me. That I was done living. That I couldn’t do this alone anymore. She told me to call my doctor. I did. I didn’t tell them I was in crisis. I didn’t tell them that every thought that went through my head was how could I kill myself without hurting my family. I made the appointment for “whenever they can fit me in.” And I suffered as I tried to get back to a therapeutic level of antidepressant back to my brain. During that next week I struggled with the idea that I will never live my life without these little pills. Did I want to live that way? Truth is, that’s the only way I can live.

That’s a hard realization. That my brain isn’t normal. Isn’t perfect. That the pills aren’t enough anymore. I need to talk to someone. Like really talk. I have so much to heal from. Summer is only hear for a short time. Then fall has it’s own challenges.

The last day of summer

Its the last day of summer. It was 92 today. Summer went out with a bang. Tomorrow is the first day of fall. It’s going to be 72. I’m not ready for this. The weather changes means winter is coming. But worst of all, fall is here.

I hate that the season that make most people the happiest is a PTSD trigger for me. Even after all this time. (October 19th will be 5 years.) I still can’t stand evenings in the 50s. My heart races, my hands are clammy. I have to tell myself I’m a different person now. I’m strong. I have a home and a career. I have family and friends that love me. I’m not alone anymore. But nights like tonight, when it’s dark and late, I feel alone. And it’s scary.

Yesterday I found I have a new trigger. One I had no idea existed. I was getting my hair colored and she was rinsing me with cold water. I snapped back to that day I had to wash my hair in the cold mountain river because I had been living out of my car for a couple of weeks. I was overwhelmed. If it wouldn’t have been one of my best friends washing my hair I think I would have cried.

It’s a daily struggle still. I just started dating this guy and he’s beyond great! But I’m having to unlearn my trauma responses. The thing that has been the hardest for me is that he’s not going to yell at me or hit me or punish me in someway because I did something wrong. I’m not going to be guilted for him helping me or him doing something for me. I’m safe with him. I can relax and be calm. It’s the weirdest feeling to feel safe with someone. How you can breathe a bit easier or worry a little less. I’ve never experienced this before and I’m not sure what to do.

I started therapy. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. I told her part of my story but there’s sooooo much more the cover. I have so much to heal from. And I think I’m ready for that. I see her again at the end of the month and then weekly through October. Just to get me through the hard part. This is long overdue. I needed this 15 years ago. But I needed to be open and honest. I’m probably the reason therapy hasn’t helped in the past. But I’m ready to change that. I’m not holding anything back this time. I have to stop bleeding on people who haven’t cut me.

10 things to the man trying to love a woman who has been abused…

1. Please be patient. It has been so long since we have lived life, that we aren’t sure how to without fear. We’re scared that we mess things up. We’re scared we will do or say something and you will decide to leave. We have forgotten how to live without fear.

2. We will apologize for absolutely everything. Even if it isn’t our fault and we had no control over the situation. We will apologize for apologizing. Just bare with us.

3. We are guarded. It’s a difficult thing to wrap our minds around someone caring for us or even loving us when the last person who said they did had a funny way of showing it.

4. We do not think you are our ex. So please do not think that. We are scared. We are healing. We do not want to be hurt like that again. But we know you are you. We just have been programmed that people are cruel. It will take us some time but we will trust again.

5. We are scared to death to make you mad. Even if you have never raised your voice or been mad with us about anything. We are waiting on it to happen. We might not say what is on our mind or do things that we really want to do because we do not want to make waves. We try to be peace keepers.

6. We always expect the worst. You might go to put your arm around us and we flinch. You might try to have a conversation with us and we break down and cry. Please be patient. We really are trying.

7. We don’t hold our breath. We might hope for things to be good but we aren’t surprised if they turn bad. Promises really mean nothing anymore because we have heard them all before.

8. We want to let you in. More than anything we want to feel safe. We want to feel loved. We want to be cared for and desired. Give us time. It’s a battle everyday.

9. We want to be optimistic. We want to fall in love. We want to believe there is such things as happiness and love. We want to make you happy and be with you. We just need you to show us that you want the same things and they can be real.

10. It will get better. Everyday you chisel a little more off the wall. Everyday we let you a little more in. Everyday we care deeper for you even if we have problems showing it. Please be patient. I promise in the end it will all be worth it.

He Never Hit Me…

He never hit me, but the scars he left were deep. The words he said cut deeper than any sharpened blade, but he wasn’t always like that. He started out kind and loving, and he was everything that you could dream of in a partner. He would open doors, and he would tell me how wonderful I was, and how lucky he was to have me in his life. Then, like a flip of a switch, my whole world was turned on end. Those sweet nothings that he once whispered in my ear turned into threats screamed in my face. How lucky he was changed to how lucky I should feel that someone would want me as “fucked up” as I was.

When he found out that I was pregnant, he was excited and couldn’t wait to start a life and a family together, but that didn’t last long. It quickly turned to “If you ever leave I’ll take that kid, and you’ll never see it again”, “You’re not fit to be anyone’s mother”, “Who would want their child turning out like you?”
Why didn’t I leave?
Why did I put up with it?
It’s called psychological manipulation.

It’s easy to say that you’ll never let anyone treat you like that, but when you have been broken down to rock bottom’s basement, you start to take everything they say as the gospel. It didn’t happen all at once, though. It started slow: Like, him getting annoyed that I talk to my family everyday, or getting mad that I’d text my mother just to say hello and that I miss her. Then it starts to grow: I couldn’t talk to people at work or having any kind of social media because it’s just “glorified dating sites so I was obviously cheating on him.” Finally, instead of sticking up for myself, I just stopped so there wasn’t a fight, because let’s be honest, just because he hadn’t hit me didn’t mean that I was not afraid of him. He was way bigger and stronger than me, and it didn’t take much to make him mad.

At that point, I had lost everything: my job, my home, my friends. I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, and he’d blow up if I did. So, one night he left me alone in my car while he went to a home I wasn’t welcome in. I had nowhere to go, and I couldn’t see how to get away from him. If I tried to leave, he’d kill me. If I called someone and he found out, what would he do? He had already left bruises before from grabbing my arm so tight I thought it would break. How bad would it be next time? So, I sat in the darkness of my car, thinking about what I really had to live for. Why should I keep going? Would a life like this really be worth living? Would bringing this baby into the world, with a father like that, be something I could live with? What if I did have the baby and something happened to me, or he got mad and snapped? What would he do to my child?

I sat with a bottle full of pills on my dash in front of me, barely lit up by a single street light. My eyes were clouded over with tears. The only thing that kept me from taking that bottle of 60 pills was this small voice that rang in my ears “He deserves a chance at life. Don’t take that from him before he even has a chance to live.” I knew at that second that I needed to do everything within my power to keep my growing baby safe. He had a purpose, and at that moment, his purpose was to keep his momma alive, even though I had never in my life felt more alone or more afraid. This went on for about two more weeks. I struggled to keep going, but I kept hearing, “He deserves a chance at life,” so I kept going.

On October 18th, it was my mom’s birthday, and I was thankful to have had a “legitimate” reason to call her. I had never been more thankful for her to pick up the phone in all my life. I tried to keep it together and not break down, but I lost it. I started crying, and I told her everything. She told me I needed to get away from him and go home, even just for a few days. I told her that I would try, but inside I knew that he would never let me leave.

The night that followed was long and scary. I told him that I wanted to go home for the weekend, and he started screaming. He told me that if I left, he would take the baby, and that I would never see or hear from them again. My mom texted me in the middle of the night, and said to stay put, and that my dad was going to come get me. My parents were afraid that he would kill me if I tried to leave. I knew he would. I was lying in bed next to a man that terrified me. I couldn’t move. Surely, if I slept, he’d kill me then. I was scared to breathe. I just kept praying, “God please let him sleep, and let my dad get here, fast. Please, let me make it through the night.”

Morning came quicker than I wanted, and with it, he woke up. Everything I said made him mad and caused him to yell and make threats. I managed to talk him into letting me go walk the dog down the road and get something to drink. So, I drove less than a mile down the road and waited on my dad. Meanwhile, the police were dispatched, and they got to me before my dad did (he had a 6 hour drive from Ohio to North Carolina), and they stayed with me for about 15 minutes until my father pulled in. I’ve never been so glad to see Dad or to be wrapped up in his arms. For the first time in months, I was safe, and I didn’t have to worry what was going to happen to me or the baby. We were going to make it. My son was going to have his chance at life.

He never hit me, but even three months later, I wake up sobbing and terrified and in that he’s going to be there, and hurt me, or take my son. He never hit me, but I still have flashbacks, and I am scared to let anyone in. He never hit me, but I’m still so emotionally guarded and frail. He never hit me, but the scars are plain to see. He never hit me, but sometimes I think the damage would have been less if he did.

I am healing. I am strong. I am driven, and I know what I want out of life. I know who I am as a person and whom I can lean on. He never hit me. . . now, he won’t get the chance.

Day in the Life of a Manic 

I haven’t slept in over a week. Not really slept. And what sleep I do get I dream really vivid dreams. I need to focus and I can’t. If you ask me even the most common question I have problems coming up with an answer. Between overthinking and being terribly exhausted I’m terrified I’m doing everything wrong. My mind chases every bunny trail and try’s to convince me that that is how things are going to be. No matter how crazy. I’m so scared I’m ruining things that it’s making my anxiety bad so it’s a battle between the two. How bad I just want to cuddle up and sleep. Really sleep. I don’t want to think about these 400 different projects or if penguins have knees, I just want some rest. All my fears start knocking now and causing me to think about them and it makes me very scared. I don’t really know how to handle this all that well. And really I just feel like crying. I haven’t felt this way in a long time and I hate it.

Mental Health Break

Sometimes it’s absolutely necessary to have a break from the world. To step back and breathe. I sat in the sunshine on the beach this past week and just took in what was around me. The hot sand and the water crashing, the little birds hopping around me. It was the first time in a long time my mind felt silent and at peace. I hadn’t had a real vacation in 3 years. I had been burning the candle at both ends and not taking care of myself. Sometimes you need to step back and be a little selfish and make sure that you are taken care of that your mind has a chance to be quiet and rest. Right now I’m sitting on my couch listening to the rain pour down and the wind whip the trees outside my windows. I’m taking a break from my day of work and customers and being sick and I’m just breathing. Quieting my thoughts. It will be there tomorrow so don’t worry about it right now. Work is still there, the dishes are still there but that’s ok. You need to take a few minutes to not dwell on all that and take a break and IT IS OK. REST!

What I have to Prove

“You don’t act sick.” “Are you sure something is wrong?” “But there is so much to be happy about!” These words are the constant reminder that I have something to prove. That the struggle I’m going through isn’t enough. That I’m not enough. If I were to have the flu or God forbid something worse, no one would ever 2nd guess it or tell me to just pull up my big girl panties and go on. “You need rest!” “What can I do to help?” “I’m here for you” These are the words when you have a mental illness, no matter what it might be, you need to hear. You wouldn’t tell a drowning man “but look at all this air you could be breathing!” So why would you say to someone drowning in depression “but look at all this you have to be happy about around you!” Sometimes the best thing you can do is say “I’m here, whatever you need.” And honestly mean it. And if you can’t say that and mean it then you can say “do what you need to take care of yourself. There’s only one you.” Sometimes having permission to be “selfish” and take care of ourselves is exactly what we need. It’s ok to be selfish sometimes. Sometimes it’s vital to keep going. If you don’t take care of you and communicate what you need it’s hard for others to know how to help take care of you  and give you what you need. Remember at the end of the day your health is number 1, if you aren’t taking care of you it makes for a rough road and an uphill battle. 

The Bipolar Tree

Picture this, There is a big beautiful complex tree in the middle of an empty field. The tree base is “Bipolar” and each branch is a different type of Bipolar and each of those branches have different symptom branches attached to that and those have other ones attached to that. It makes this big, very full, very complex tree but it is still all the same tree. You may have rage but I may not I may have weepiness but you may not. I may stay on the depressed side and you might be a fast cycle and be more on the manic side. There are so many branches that you could be on and just because one person says “I have Bipolar” doesn’t mean they will have the same symptoms as someone else you know with Bipolar. Odds are they aren’t going to and comparing the two can be hurtful and can do a lot of damage. One thing I hate more than anything is when someone says “well I know so and so that has bipolar and they are just crazy” That is so hurtful and make me feel like I’m about 2 ins tall and I bet the person they are talking about isn’t crazy either. We’re part of the same tree just a different branch. We have a different view to the same diagnosis. No journey is ever the same. If it was we would have a cure instead of a treatment.

The Bravest Thing I Ever Did…

The bravest thing I ever did was keep living when I wanted to give up and die. Kept breathing though the pain felt as if it were crushing me. Kept moving forward even when I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. I think about dying almost everyday. I think about giving up and what that really would mean. But I know that I have far more to live for than to die for. So every morning, I wake myself up, get out of bed, put on my makeup and push myself. I make a deal with myself, “You have to care today, tomorrow you can stop caring if you get out of bed but today you get that ass up!” And when I wake up tomorrow I do it all again. “You get up! You can stop caring tomorrow! But you have things to take care of today!” And so the battle goes. Now don’t get me wrong, it isn’t always like this. Sometimes I can’t wait for my day to get started. But right now it’s a struggle. Right now there’s a lot of pain and tears. Right now I feel very alone. Right now I’m in the depressed side of Bipolar. And oh how it rears it’s ugly head.